Work and family considerations usually restrict most buyers' choices in their searches for new homes, while some buyers have the luxury of being flexible. They can, in effect, follow their hearts, whether doing so takes them to a condominium in the city, a farmhouse in the country, or a suburban home. Buyers of this type are generally best served by a real estate agent whose expertise extends to both new and old housing and who can help them clarify their top priorities. This process of paring down less important desires and considerations enables buyers to focus on meeting their primary housing and lifestyle needs. Once the focus is narrowed, the real search can begin.
Hint: Experienced real estate agents help buyers anticipate their future needs and then find a property that will best fulfill them.
With the prevailing market conditions, an experienced real estate professional can source a wide range of financing options that will allow buyers to purchase property that is appropriate for them. Determining the style, size, location and amenities that offer the 'perfect fit' is also something that a knowledgeable Realtor can guide you. At VantagePoint Realty, I have a proven track record for successfully assisting buyers and sellers. I will walk you through a transactions, alleviating the stress that can come with the process, whether you are looking for a primary home, vacation home, or second home. I am an active member of the Columbia-Greene Board Realtors. I subscribe to the highest standards of ethical practice. Call me to arrange for an initial appointment. I 'm looking forward to meeting you!
Call Stephanie at 518-392-8484
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