Hint: From interior and exterior shots to virtual tours, pictures sell homes by emblazoning images on the minds of potential buyers.
The initial pricing of a property is critical. An experienced real estate professional utilizes much of the same information as a licensed appraiser in determining an accurate estimation of property value. At VantagePoint Realty, I have a proven track record for determining the highest and best price for properties. Property that is priced correctly and marketed properly will bring the seller the greatest return for their real estate investment. I can assist you in achieving the best results when marketing your home.
Call me to arrange an appointment. My office is conveniently located. I look forward to working with you.
Call Stephanie at 518-392-8484
and visit us at our website at: www.ColumbiaCountyHomes.com
or e-mail me at: Stephanie@ColumbiaCountyHomes.com
See our Market Conditions Newsletter at: http://www.realtytimes.com/c/StephanieSamuelsohn