As market conditions change, sellers must come to the realization that teaming up with an experienced and aggressive agent can greatly increase their chances of selling their homes. Aside from advertising in local newspapers, holding open houses, and spreading the word to fellow professionals, an assertive agent knows to incorporate a virtual tour into a home's Web listing and to update an MLS listing with new photos on a regular basis. A savvy agent may also suggest that sellers sweeten the deal by offering to pay for some of the buyers' closing costs, providing a one-year home warranty, and/or including some appliances in the sale. These days, sellers need all the help that a smart, dedicated agent can provide.
Hint: If sellers price their homes too high to attract interest, they may not get any offers at all, never mind one that meets their inflated expectations.
The successful transfer of property required accommodating the needs of both seller and buyer. I have a track record of success when assisting all parties to make a smooth transition. Our office is conveniently located. Look forward to exceeding your expectations. To reach me, Stephanie W. Samuelsohn, Realtor and Principal Broker of Century21 VantagePoint Realty at 518-392-8484.
or e-mail me at: Stephanie@ColumbiaCountyHomes.com
Visit our Website at: http://columbiacountyhomes.com/
See our Market Conditions Newsletter at: http://www.marketconditions.biz/