In a very difficult and competitive environment,
Century21 VantagePoint Realty remains strong and resilient.
We are lst in the county for sales of our listings
We are lst in the county for sales of our listings
in the 1st quarter of 2010.
For 2 years running we have been the recipient for the Realtor.com Marketing Award.
For 2 years running we have been the recipient for the Realtor.com Marketing Award.
This year 3 of our agents were recognized.
According to the Wall Street Journal's 2009 Residential Real Estate Study, the Century21 brand ranks first in the industry with 99.3 percent brand awareness among customers. As for consumer preference, the WSJ survey results also showed that more than 84 percent of consumers would consider using Century21 in the future.
If you are looking for an aggressive marketing company - look no further.
Call Stephanie W. Samuelsohn at 518-392-8484 or
e-mail at Stephanie.Samuelsohn@Century21.com