Sellers can make their homes more appealing to prospective buyers, in some instances simply by changing the furniture. Such might be the case in which sellers use an extra room in their home as an office. Research shows that buyers generally view a professional office in homes as a detracting feature. On the other hand, nearly all buyers are quite enamored of homes with extra bedrooms. Thus, to make a home more attractive, it would behoove sellers to clear their offices of desks and file cabinets, and replace them with a bed and dresser. This transformation from office to extra bedroom could make the difference in making the sale, as any savvy real estate agents knows.
Hint: Other features that help stimulate sales are two fireplaces, an oversized garage, and a full extra bathroom.
When preparing a home for sale, a seasoned real estate professional can be your best asset. At VantagePoint Realty, I have a proven track record for helping sellers achieve the best return for their investment. You can benefit from my years of experience. I will confer with you as to the most appropriate ways to "stage" your property for sale. Contact me to arrange for an initial appointment. Let me provide you with a free market analysis of your home, indicating the current value of your property.
I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Give me a call to arrange a meeting.
Call Stephanie at 518-392-8484
and visit us at our website: www.ColumbiaCountyHomes.com
E-mail me at: Stephanie@ColumbiaCountyHomes.com