Aside from bringing his or her experience to bear, a broker must be able to listen carefully enough to get a read of the buyer's needs (as well as be able to read between the lines to discern a buyer's wants). Beyond that, a good broker knows how to communicate effectively and frequently on matters that lead to a successful sale. This entails standing at the ready with new information and the ability to put clients in the middle of the action. Along the way, a broker should also be able to learn from the experience of working with clients and to take appropriate actions. Finally, a good agent should be flexible enough to work with clients' changing perceptions.
Hint: Experienced brokers know to ask why prospective buyers rejected homes they were shown so that something may be learned from the experienced that can be applied next time.
As a Realtor with VantagePoint Realty, I have a proven track record of working successfully with buyers. I adhere to the highest standard of ethical conduct, and my years in the industry allow me the knowledge to assist you in making the most of your buying power. Call me to arrange for an initial meeting. You can benefit from my knowledge and experience.
Call Stephanie at 518-392-8484
and visit us at our website at:
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