The most important part of selling your home involves pricing it properly. Sellers must realize that buyers look at houses in particular price ranges. If the asking price of a home is placed out their range, buyers will not even consider the house. During their searches, buyers become quite experienced at knowing the reasonable price range for homes they can afford. If a seller sets an unrealistically high price in the hope that someone will be lured into paying more, he or she should rethink the strategy. An overpriced home is not likely to attract offers, which means no sale. Homes with unrealistically high prices are likely to sit unsold, for long periods, while the competition benefits.
Hint: Real estate agents have various tools that enable them to properly gauge the fair market value of a home.
The 'fair market value' of a piece of property can change greatly, according to market conditions. Pricing your home properly - neither too high, not too low - is a key to obtaining the best possible return for your investment. As a Realtor with VantagePoint Realty, I subscribe to ongoing training to keep current, and prepare me to alert you to the best 'asking' price for your home. Call me, and I will meet with you and provide you with a market analysis of your home.
You will be please with the results.
Call Stephanie at: 518-392-8484
or e-mail me at: Stephanie@ColumbiaCountyHomes.com
Visit us at our website at: www.ColumbiaCountyHomes.com