Thursday, February 28, 2008

Working Toward A Clean Sale

As knowledgeable, skillful, and hardworking as real estate agents may be, they are not magicians. They cannot take an unappealing house and make it attractive to prospective buyers at a good price solely on the basis of words. A lot of the responsibility for selling a home rests with the seller's ability to boost its curb appeal with proper landscaping, paint, and repair/maintenance. Unless they are looking for a fixer upper, most prospective buyers are drawn to homes that meet their needs and that they can move into with a minimum of fuss. If this means that sellers must treat interior walls to fresh paint in neutral colors and replace worn carpeting, then that is part of a successful deal.
Hint: If a home is well cared for inside and out, prospective buyers are more likely to assume that it is worth the asking price.
If you are motivated to sell, or to purchase, please contact me, Stephanie W. Samuelsohn, Realtor and Principal Broker with Century21 VantagePoint Realty. I have a successful track record of assisting sellers and buyers. I will arrange an initial meeting. You will benefit from my knowledge and experience. The office is conveniently located.
Call Stephanie at 518-392-8484

Friday, February 08, 2008

Compromising Position

Once a deal between the buyer and seller is struck, it would be shameful to have it fall apart over an occupancy disagreement. As with other aspects of the deal, compromise must come into play. If this means that the seller must move out of the house earlier than he or she would like, then it may mean moving into a motel or rental unit to make the deal. Otherwise, the seller may be willing to accept rent from the buyer if the seller has the flexibility to wait as the buyer prepares a move. If circumstances do not permit a smooth transition of occupancy, each party must be prepared to do what it takes to make things work.
Hint: Sellers can use their flexibity about a closing date as a means of attracting buyer interest.
If you are motivated to sell, or to purchase, please contact me, Stephanie W. Samuelsohn, Realtor and Principal Broker with Century21 VantagePoint Realty. I have a successful track record of assisting sellers and buyers. I will arrange an initial meeting. You will benefit from my knowledge and experience. My office is conveniently located on Route 295 at the TSP in Old Chatham, New York.
Call Stephanie at 518-392-8484
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